Den Jyske Sangskole (The Jutland School of Singing)
The Jutland School of Singing is founded upon the conviction that talent can be found everywhere, and we believe environment plays a more crucial role than genetics in determining where that talent can lead. With this in mind, we have created a learning environment where young singers of all backgrounds can grow and develop their talent.
The Jutland School of Singing offers talented children and young people a demanding and professionally organized course of musical training to supplement their school education, and this model of vocal and music education is the only one of its kind in Denmark.
The Danish School of Singing strives to be a national and international platform for the development and exchange of ideas on all aspects of working with young voices. We take the initiative on new projects aiming to support Denmark's choral scene and promote singing culture in elementary schools. The singing school hosts conferences as well as the yearly course Young Voices, a forum for all teachers of children and young people at the pre-conservatory level.