City and nature maps of Herning and Ikast-Brande
Photo: Christina Reuter
Here you can find maps of the different cities in the Municipality of Herning and Ikast-Brande.
Most maps of Herning are from the "Mit Grønne Kompas" (My green compass) map collection, which comprises of city and nature maps published by the Municipality of Herning in 2018.
Printed city maps and tourist magazines
If you would like a printed city map of Herning, Herning tourist magazines or the new city and nature maps, they can be picked up at VisitHerning, Østergade 21, 7400 Herning.
We also have nature brochures of some of the areas in the Municipality of Herning.
Tourist magazines and city maps are free and can also be found at Citizens’ Services, the libraries, petrol stations, restaurants, hotels and shops, among other places.